We wrote this article for The Puppetry Journal about our travels in Colombia. Below are some photos of the people and places that we saw, which did not make it into the journal!

David Ocampo with puppet on far right At Parque Explora, with the show Los Coleccionistas (The Collectors).

Teatro Manicomio de Muñecos Theatre (Madhouse of Dolls) show Animalitos Fabulosos (Fabulous Animals),

At the Centro de Museos, we saw Las Aventuras de Batitú (The Adventures of Batitú), performed by Teatro Punto de Partida.

In San Carlos at Fes Tironeta – Primer Festival Internacional de Artes Escenicas. Organized by Tironeta Teatro, with Gustavo Sanchez and Juanita Alvarez.